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Resources old

Congratulations on helping lead your yearbook project for 2024!
Please see resources below as directed by your Rockstar Consultant to help you along the yearbook journey.

Stage 1: Draft a table of contents

Draft a Table of Contents

Determine the features and corresponding page number you’d like to appear within the yearbook.

Use the Google Sheet which has been shared by your Rockstar Consultant

Stage 2: Collecting & reviewing content

Collect & Review Content

– Collect articles, photos and student profile responses as soon as possible. End of year approaches fast, so set a content deadline and communicate this with your peers frequently.

– Review all article text for spelling, grammar and appropriateness.

– Organise all files into a master Yearbook folder. Create sub-folders named by their page number which matches the Table of Contents Google Sheet (see Phase 1).

– Share the master Yearbook folder with Rockstar via these Google Drive or Dropbox accounts:

Collecting Student Profiles

– Choose the profile questions which you’d like all students to complete.

– To collect responses, either You or Rockstar can manage:

You manage: Create a ✅ Google Form asking all profile questions. When all responses are collected and edited, share the sheet with [email protected]

or Rockstar manages: E-mail your list of profile questions to your Rockstar Consultant, and we will create a Grade Website URL to share with students.

❌ Do not use a Word document to collect profile responses. This will introduce significant errors and delays.

Stage 3: Formalise content

Formalise Content with Rockstar

Grant permission for Rockstar’s Design team to begin the design of your yearbook. Completing this form helps everyone ensure the yearbook is error free!

Formalise your content here

Stage 4: Select a Design

Select a Yearbook Design

Rockstar will design your yearbook into a studio-crafted publication design of your choice.

Browse design options and make your selection here

Stage 5: Rockstar designs your yearbook

Rockstar designs your yearbook

Rockstar’s Design team will use the final Table of Contents and Formalised Content you have shared with us.

Stage 6: Review drafts

Review Drafts

You will be notified by your Rockstar Consultant when a yearbook draft is ready for review.

When reviewing the draft, please ensure all feedback is consolidated together from all committee members including teachers and school Principal.

Mark-up changes required in Adobe Acrobat
  • Download the PDF, and open in Adobe Acrobat view pages as spreads.
  • Mark-up all changes required by using the Comment tools in Acrobat – Text and Sticky notes. Learn more about Comments tools which will significantly save you time.
  • Save the marked-up Draft PDF, and share via a Google Drive / Dropbox subfolder.
  • [Alternatively, compile one single consolidated list of changes in only one document – no multiple lists]
Reviewing Student Profiles
  • All students are included
  • All profile photos match each student name
  • Student names are spelt correctly
  • Students are presented in correct order


Please advise your Rockstar Consultant when your Draft has been reviewed, before the due date + time.

Approve Final Draft

Authorise the print production process by approving the Final Draft. Please complete the Proof Review sign-off form here


Yearbooks arrive at school!

Time to get excited! Your yearbooks will be dispatched by courier, and arrive at school.

Please let your Rockstar Consultant know your thoughts, and of any issues or queries within 5 working days.